Category Archives: Videos

God Orchestrated Encounter

In this video, Larry meets truck driver in small town in mountains of Colorado and discovers that he has been memorizing the book of John due to Larry’s Youtube video.

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Chiang Mai Theological Seminary

In this video, Larry narrates a video of the Purpose of Chiang Mai Theological Seminary.

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Memorizing the Book of John

In this video, Larry and Josh Summers demonstrate how to memorize a keyword or verse from the 21 chapters of the book of John. You can also download the visual outline here.

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Bible Outline Memory

Here is an interview Larry gave on the Bible Memory YouTube channel. It highlights the 1189 chapter outline that Larry memorized over a 6 month period.

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Integration of Chronology with Oral Bible Story Telling

In this presentation, Larry teaches about integrating chronology into your Bible story telling experiences.

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12 Stories for Passion Week [Thai]

Larry presents 12 stories in Thai for Passion Week. (From Triumphal Entry to Post-Resurrection Appearances):

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2 Corinthians 11:1-15 [Thai]

Thai Sermon by Dr. Larry Dinkins at Chiang Mai Theological Seminary: Paul a genuine and humble apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ – 2 Corinthians 11:1-15.

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2 Corinthians 3 [Thai]

Larry preaches on 2 Corinthians 3 in CTS chapel (in Thai).  In the sermon he uses a memory method to remember a key word from all 13 chapters of 2 Corinthians.

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Impact of Simply the Story

Larry Shares the Impact of Simply the Story (this message was shared in 2010 after Larry had just encountered Simply The Story) . Part 1 Part 2

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Coaching the Disappointed (โค้ชผู้ผิดหวัง) [Thai]

In this presentation, Larry preaches in Chapel at CTS about Coaching the Disappointed.

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