STS Oral Gold Sheet [English]

Larry Dinkins details the STS Oral Gold Sheet preparation and presentation.

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Wearing Masks in Thailand

Most all of us have been wearing masks for over a year and have heard lots of discussion on the relative benefits of mask-wearing as well as the differences in cloth, paper, N-95 and surgical masks.  My Thai church even gave me a special mask at Christmas which had a small fan attached. Just think of the number of masks you’ve worn and discarded over the past year and multiply that by billions of others – what a massive amount of garbage (one study said that 3.4 billion face masks are discarded every day)! Governments vary on simply recommending face masks or mandating them (The Thai government has just instituted a $640USD fine for noncompliance). Some people choose not to wear masks even in areas of high Covid concentration. The reasons I have heard are:

  1. It is inconvenient and uncomfortable to wear and hampers communication
  2. They are not convinced that it significantly reduces the spread of Covid
  3. Unlike most all Asians that I am around, they have never worn one before and say that it makes them feel and look foolish (Note: way before Covid the Thai people,  if they felt like they would be a health risk to others by coughing etc., would almost always put on a mask)
  4. They cherish their freedoms and by not wearing a mask, they can affirm that freedom and often feel that the government is overstepping its authority.

All this discussion has made me step back and evaluate why I’ve decided to wear a mask:

  1. We are to love our neighbour and have a special concern for those who are vulnerable around us like the poor, the elderly and infirm (i.e. Those who are most at risk for Covid) – Luke 6:31; Gal 2:10. Loving people is often inconvenient, uncomfortable and can end up making one look foolish at times. Masks do not necessarily protect the wearer as much as it protects those around us: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others” (Phil. 2:3-4).
  2. We are to become “all things to all people so that by all means we might win some” (1 Cor. 9:2, 19-23).  At times we need to curtail our freedom for the sake of the gospel (Phil 2:6-7 … Jesus gave up his rights to sacrifice for others). A believer trying to evangelize nonbelievers who are wearing masks can erect an unnecessary barrier. They may think, “That person doesn’t care if I get sick”.
  3. Christians are to obey the government when it does not go expressly against the Bible (Rom. 13:1).
  4. A mask is easily attainable and worn and does not hamper daily life (although there are activities like sports where it does hamper breathing).
  5. Finally, in Lev. 13:45-46 a leper was to stand apart from others and cover his mouth and warn others by saying “Unclean, unclean”.  In other words, Moses was concerned about the spread of disease and had them take precautions so that it wouldn’t spread among his people

An interesting debate I’ve seen is over whether Jesus would wear a mask or not during Covid. Personally, I don’t believe Jesus would get into debates about masks. Jesus always went out of His way to show that everyone mattered deeply to Him. In my mind, I see Him wearing a mask as He talks to others and lovingly draws attention to what really matters – a relationship with Him.

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Summary of Minor Prophets [Thai]

After covering all the minor prophets in chapel this spring, the CTS faculty asked me to summarize the 12 books in two hours of chapel messages. Here are those messages:

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Passion Week [Thai]

Larry presents a summary of Passion Week by giving a dramatic presentation of 11 Bible stories related to that week (Thai Language):

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The Good Samaritan

Recently Larry gave a narrative treatment of the Good Samaritan story with a special emphasis on how that story impacted him in a very practical way.

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Meeting Together?

While on home assignment in the states in 2020, I and millions of other believers experienced unprecedented disruptions to our usual Sunday worship.

Thailand had been much more effective in Covid repression, and so upon my arrival in November of 2020, I thought that I could resume attending a more normal Sunday service. However, I found that my Thai church had to close for a couple of months and was still meeting with social distancing, masks and even handing out communion with plastic gloves and individually wrapped wafers.

Hebrews 10:25 states, “not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some …”.  What I observed was that many Thai had gotten used to “virtual church” and the flexibility and low keyness of being able to sit in your PJs and passively listen to a worship service. The author of Hebrews affirms how vital it is to physically gather for worship, sing together and absorb God’s Word. Personally, I don’t see how you can truly celebrate Communion online and we for sure can’t baptize over the internet. Also, no one has figured out a way to duplicate digitally the fellowship and wonderful Thai lunches we eat together each week after church. As helpful as technology has been during this pandemic, it has many inherent limitations. We see it clearly in our Sunday worship, but also academically. The faculty at the seminary I’m involved with feel that certain classes are just not suited for online learning (the results in public schools are confirming this).

Of course, one must be careful to protect the health of your parishioners, yet at the same time, God expects his people to gather regularly to praise God, edify one another and be equipped so that we can be sent out into the community to spread His good news.

My prayer is that as Covid lessens God’s people will see afresh the vital importance of physical/corporate worship.

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An Added Benefit of Missionary Life

In May of 2002 my wife Paula was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma cancer and our family of six had to vacate our large house in Chiang Mai Thailand within only three days and get on a plane for the states. A number of OMF missionaries helped close our house and distribute all the earthly goods we had accumulated.

Yesterday a missionary who coordinated stashing my stuff many years ago sent me a note, “I’ve been getting rid of accumulated stuff and I found your juicer … I’ve never used it so I’m returning it to you.”

I read an article in The Los Angeles Times entitled, For Many People, Gathering Possessions is Just the Stuff of Life. The article states, “The average U.S. household has 300,000 things, from paper clips to ironing boards. U.S. children make up 3.7% of the children on the planet but have 47% of all the toys and children’s books.”

I’ve noticed on furlough that many of the homes I’ve visited with two-car garages park their cars outside! I have a PowerPoint presentation where I show all 30+ homes that our family has lived in over my 41 years of service with OMF. Yes, moving so often was a pain, but it did force us to downsize regularly (yet I do remember counting 18 bags on the carousel during one trip back to the states).

Today I’m staying in one room in a student dormitory at my seminary and have transferred most of the books I’ve hoarded over the years to the library or onto my kindle. Many times when I’ve needed something quickly, I’ve wished I could be back at my parent’s house which was like a combined hardware/commodity store with access to most any item on my list. There are obvious drawbacks to the minimalist lifestyle I’ve chosen, yet it has hopefully freed me up to concentrate and focus on the many opportunities for ministry here in this needy country of Thailand.

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Returning to the Field in a Pandemic

In a blog post on the OMF website, Larry shares his experience returning to the field in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. You can read it here.

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Thai Chapel Service [Thai]

Chiang Mai Theological Seminary – Thai Chapel Service for January 14, 2021

In this video, Larry shares his experiences in the states during his time at Dallas Theological Seminary and perspectives on life in the states during Covid, social and political unrest.

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Larry’s Testimony

In this video, Larry presents his testimony explaining the various roles in life and as a missionary he has had over the last 41 years. Larry uses a number hats to explain those varying roles.

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