The OMFer who recruited me in the states encouraged me to do a research paper on the Bangkok Bible College with the possibility that I could teach there after my language study was finished. So, at the end of one year I went to David Pickard, OMF’s director and asked him when I might start at BBC. David chuckled and said, “We have no policy to send new missionaries to BBC, you’ll need to do church planting up-country first.” Seven years later I did start at BBC and now I find myself after 30 more years still teaching theology to the Thai. My favorite class is Psalms and here is why: 1)It is probably the most read book out of the 66. 2)Every student is required to write daily in a journal that they then share during class (150 days of devotionals). 3)They write a one page reflection paper each week to turn in. 4)They memorize passages from Psalm 1, 23, 51, 100, 127, 139. 5)Tests and outside reading round out the course. After teaching this course numerous times you begin to see just how impactive this section of scripture is for the Thai. Psalms touches on most all human emotions and addresses heart felt needs at a deep level. Pray that all the OMF teachers in academic settings here in Thailand as well as our national team members will be able to be Ezras to their students … “For Ezra prepared his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statues and ordinances in Israel”(Ezra 7:10)