One glaring concern missionaries have working in Thailand is Biblical illiteracy. One Thai leader admitted, “Thai Christians are unable to put events in the Bible into any sort of a timeline. This affects negatively their ability to understand both sermons and in their own personal study.” Having been exposed to Walk Thru the Bible in seminary made me think of how WTB OT/NT might be part of the solution for the Thai. WTB is a creative, participatory and fun cross-cultural teaching method for all ages that helps the Thai recall key Bible events, people and places. Knowing the framework of the Bible allows the Thai to see the big picture of God’s Grand Story of Redemption from Genesis to Revelation. The newest version condenses the OT/NT down to only 80 key points, each supported by a hand sign. The 40 points for each section are always taught in a live seminar which usually lasts three hours. It can also be incorporated into a six-week church wide campaign including suggested sermons, small group materials, vdos and a 40 day devotional. It is a blessing to see the Thai churches I’ve taught start to review the 40 points and use them immediately. Presently tribal workers are starting to put the WTB into various languages. Do pray that WTB will expand into local Thai churches and Bible schools throughout Thailand.